
Flaxseed Essential Oil 30 ML


12 in stock



Flaxseed Essential Oil 30 ML

  • How to Use Flaxseed OilOne of the best things about flaxseed oil is its versatility. For starters, it can easily be swapped for other types of oil in salad dressings, dips and sauces.You can also add one serving (one tablespoon or 15 ml) into smoothies or shakes to add some flaxseed oil into your diet with minimal effort.Keep in mind that flaxseed oil should not be used for cooking, as it does not have a high smoke point and can form harmful compounds when exposed to high heat (25Trusted Source).In addition to being used in food, flaxseed oil can be applied to the skin to enhance skin health and increase skin moisture.Alternatively, some people use flaxseed oil as a hair mask to promote growth and shine.

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Additional information

Weight 0.5 g


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